August 2022 Release Notes


Our release notes describe new features delivered each month.

With our most recent release, users are now able to:

Update Deal Activity Directly from Your Deal Pipeline

Keep everyone on the same page and instantly update deal activity directly from your deal pipeline. Navigate freely from deal to deal and easily edit deal checklists, deal information, and deal comments, all from Dottid’s deal pipeline pages. Simply select a deal and make your updates, increasing transparency across your teams, without the hassle of manual reporting.

Search for Files and Folders

We know file management is critical to efficiently getting deals across the finish line. Introducing the newest file management functionality on Dottid, file search. Use the file search bar to reference your most important files with ease. Stop scrambling to collect the latest marketing flyer or deal proposal–simply search for the file and find exactly what you need when you need it.

Download or Delete Multiple Files at Once

Users can now select multiple files at once to either download or delete from Dottid. Quickly download multiple files to distribute key information to your team or to the tenant rep. Easily delete unnecessary files or folders to keep your Dottid data as accurate as possible. Multi-select for files is available for both deal files and property files, making it easier than ever to keep your team organized.

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